Stainless Steel Chafing Dishes
KSh5,500KSh6,000 (-8%)
Buy the Stainless Steel Chafing Dishes from Decor Finity at the Best Price in Kenya and get Fast Same-day Delivery Anywhere in Kenya. Payment on Delivery Countrywide.
- Keep your food warm and ready – Allows for users to maintain their foods heat
- Top-quality stainless-steel frame and body
- Chafing Dishes Stainless Steel comes with a foldable frame – comes with fold-able legs made with thicker Stainless Steel to ensure that its frame is effective and your food is well supported
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Stainless Steel Chafing Dishes Each chafing dish comes with 2 fuel holders, a frame, A full-size pan tray, and a lid. The chafing dish also has handles to ensure that the product can be moved with ease.
strong material – Alpha living’s chafing dish has a Stainless Steel, frame As well as a heavy duty handle that supports its 8-quart tray.
easy maintenance and cleaning – the chafing dish is easy to clean and maintain. Made with high-quality material, the ALPHA LIVING chafing dish is rust-resistant and ensure the long durability.
Chafing Dishes Stainless Steel comes with a foldable frame – comes with fold-able legs made with thicker Stainless Steel to ensure that its frame is effective and your food is well supported.
Package Dimensions 24 x 15.5 x 14.38 inches
Item Weight 9.07 pounds
Manufacturer Alpha Living
if you like this product you might also consider looking at the following: Chafing Dishes- Double Rectangular 4.5 + 4.5 Litres and Chafing Dishes- Single Round 6 Litres
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