Magic Mop With 2 pads

KSh2,200KSh2,599 (-15%)

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Buy the Magic Mop with 2 pads from Decor Finity at the Best Price in Kenya and get Fast Same-day Delivery Anywhere in Kenya. Payment on Delivery Countrywide.

  • Magic mop with 2 pads has a Handle extending between 95 and 127 cm for optimum working height.
  • Dry and clean hands when cleaning
  • Suitable for wet and dry cleaning.
  •  Our compact design makes it easy to store and transport
  • you can effortlessly maneuver into hard-to-reach places
  • No more streak stain
  • Material: plastic+ stainless steel+Microfiber Fabric
SKU: Magic mob with 2 pads Categories: ,

Magic Mop With 2 pads

With two chambers in one bucket, it’s like getting two buckets in one.

 pads are for drying, while the other is for dampening. It can be used to wash both wet and dry surfaces. To obtain the ideal moisture for wet wiping, repeat the procedure on the dry side. Hands are kept clean and splashes are avoided thanks to the sealed lid. It has a handle and two drain plugs for fast drainage, and its lightweight nature makes it easy to store and transport.

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No footswitch

This automatically pressed mop is a must for easy floor cleaning in any household.
Magic Mop With 2 pads Handle extends between 95 and 127 cm for optimum working height. Dry and clean hands when cleaning.

Flat mop that rotates 360 degrees

Magic Mop With 2 pads helps you to quickly reach those hard-to-reach areas. Because of the compact, flat nature, you can lie flat to clean under furniture and other tight spaces.

Pads made of microfiber

Each Wash & Dry Mop comes with two reusable microfibre pads that clean gently without scratching any floor surfaces, including tiles, laminate flooring, marble, and wood. With it, there will be no more streaks.

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